About De Feng Biotech - Cultivating Seahorses

About Us

De Feng Biotech Seahorse Farm is a company specializing in seahorse conservation and breeding, providing frozen food for seahorse aquaculture. Our products are rigorously tested before release.

Seahorses are a valuable medicinal resource in traditional Chinese medicine; however, overfishing, habitat destruction, and water pollution have caused a significant decline in global seahorse populations. De Feng Biotech Seahorse Farm addresses this by breeding seahorses in captivity, replacing the harvesting of wild seahorses to ensure species survival.

Located in Taichung City, Taiwan, our farm employs a team with expertise in marine biology and breeding, guided by various educational institutions and years of experience in breeding healthy, robust seahorses.

Our goal is to establish a sustainable seahorse supply chain providing seahorses that meet international standards, supplying educational institutions, research organizations, aquariums, and private keepers. We also strive to raise public awareness of marine conservation through education and outreach programs.